From the Book - 1st paperback ed.
Introduction : Isma'ilis and Isma'ili studies / Farhad Daftary
The Fatimids and the Qarmatis of Bahrayn / Wilferd Madelung
The cosmology of the pre-Fatimid Isma'iliyya / Heinz Halm
Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani and the seven faculties of the Intellect / Wilferd Madelung
The Isma'ili oath of allegiance ('abd) and the 'sessions of wisdom' (majalis al-hikma) in Fatimid times / Heinz Halm
Al-Qadi al-Nu'man and Isma'ili jurisprudence / Ismail K. Poonawala
A critique of Paul Casanova's dating of the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa / Abbas Hamdani
Portraits of self and others : Isma'ili perspectives on the history of religions / Azim A. Nanji
An Isma'ili version of the heresiography of the seventy-two erring sects / Paul E. Walker
Hasan-i Sabbah and the origins of the Nizari Isma'ili movement / Farhad Daftary
The power struggle between the Saljuqs and the Isma'ilis of Alamut, 487-518/1094-1124 : The Saljuq perspective / Carole Hillenbrand
The Isma'ilis of Quhistan and the Maliks of Nimruz or Sistan / C. Edmund Bosworth
The philosopher/vizier : Khwaja Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and the Isma'ilis / Hamid Dabashi
'Sometimes by the sword, sometimes by the dagger' : The role of the Isma'ilis in Mamluk-Mongol relations in the 8th/14th century / Charles Melville
The Isma'ili ginans : Reflections on authority and authorship / Ali S. Asani
The Nuqtawi movement of Mahmud Pisikhani and his Persian cycle of mystical-materialism / Abbas Amanat.