Popcorn as the price for protection
You're going to shoot me where?
Paying the price for a free train ride
A unique way of picking cotton
An extra passenger on the bus
The case of the missing sister
How the farmer saved his pigs
Even after death did them part
Lonnie's first trip to town
The big fish of Corney Creek
The devil made her say it
How to get a mule's attention
A home run inside the hog
Froumi et Grasshopper = The ant and the grasshopper
Le petit bonhomme en Doal Tar = The little tar-man
Vieux nèg et vieux blanc té gain une course (an old black man and an old white man had a race)
Métayer Joe = Joe the overseer
The turtle and the rabbit run a race
Bel's encounter with a wise owl
Bel's encounter with the rabbit and the cow
How the buzzard got a pierced nose
Thátkak ilá:ci:fó:kok = The first meeting of the Indians and the Europeans
The first meeing of the Indians and the Europeans
Hacinmánkalá:himá:m = A man loses his breechcloth to a bull
A man loses his breechcloth to a bull
Bouki, lpin, et rt de bois = Bouki, rabbit and possum
Gandes oreilles = Long ears
Les trois jobs = The three jobs
Les trois couillons = the three fools
Jean Sot, la vache, le chiens, et sa petite soeur = Jean Sot, the cow, the dogs and little sister
La fille du roi = The king's daughter
Séparer le maïs dans le cimitière = Dividing corn in the cemetery
The girls and the alligator
My mama killed me, my papa ate me
The lazy sisters and the smart sister
Following his father's example
He got the pig and the girl
I'm going to leave you, Chère
You think I'm working, but I ain't
Those drivers were no dummies
For sale: one tractor in mint condition
That's one tourist who'll never come back
Just don't watch wagon train in his house
How to save on heating costs
They couldn't fool a polecat
Coon chasers and possum watchers
Wedding special at the barbershop
She was a loyal Sam Jones follower
You never know when your ass is going to be in a box like mine.
And he knows his state capitals too
Huey Long and the importance of sticking together
Huey Long and the pink silk pajama episode
Aunt Dora's death and Aunt Tot's vote
Remembering the day Huey was shot
The cajun and the minister
Dammit to hell! The fun is all over!
Brother Jimmy walks on water
god works in mysterious ways
The Reverend gets the possum
A priest with a small parish
They could coach, but they couldn't fish
That squirrel could really fish
The dog that walked on water
Tit Jean, the greatest liar of them all
The terrorism of Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde almost rob the Ruston State Bank
The day Bonnie and Clyde were killed
The embalmer's encounter with Bonnie and Clyde
The legend of lying horse rock
Eugene Bunch, the Robin Hood of Southeast Louisiana
Ben Lilly, strongman of Morehouse Parrish
La vuelta del marido = The husband's return
La vida de un jaibero = The life of a crab fisherman
La pesca del camarón = Shrimp fishing
Setecientos setentaisiete = Seventeen seventy-seven
Buried treasure money used to build a Catholic church
Buried money near Highway 171
Buried treasure of Jean Lafitte
A moaning ghost and buried treasure
Failure to heed a warning
The ghosts of Jean Lafitte's pirates
A brush with the Loup Garou
A brief encounter with a ghost
Two mysteries of Bayou go to hell
An oyster-culling Loup Garou
Loup Garou as shadow companion
The red-headed witch of Bogalusa Creek
The hammering ghost of Minden
The headless man of Black Bayou
Evie sees the headless man
Who's gon'na sleep with me?
A miracle at the Mother of Grace Chapel
Mr. Blue and the dog ghost
La chaudiérée de couche-couche = The pot full of couche-couche
Bouki and Lapin in the garden
How Bayou Teche was formed
La tortuga y el conejo = The turtle and the rabbit
La muerte compadre = The partnership with death
How the Koasati got their name
How the bat got his wings
The legend of the mosquito
How the tiger got his stripes
Brer Rabbit and the babies
Gaillum, Singo, et Moliseau = Gaillum, Singo and Moliseau.